“Mission-driven” means we share the love of God in tangible ways in our community & across the world.
Here are some opportunities:
The Church Has Left the Building
Rather than holding worship services and Sunday School on a designated Sunday in May, the congregation provides a variety of needed services throughout the community.
Summer Lunch Program
Begun as an outreach to families who participate in the school lunch program, this free mid-day meal has expanded to include fun activities and learning. Volunteers also deliver meals to three mobile home communities. The program runs Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 1:00 throughout the summer.
Capernaum Health Clinic
Started by area churches, this mobile clinic provides free medical and dental care for the uninsured and under-insured multiple times per year in the South Lyon area.
Active Faith Community Services
Provides long-term and temporary assistance to those who have fallen on difficult times. Offers food bank, clothing closet, utility assistance, case management and counseling. Members of our church collect items, donate funds, stock shelves, deliver meals, tutor students, and serve on the Board of Directors.
Cass Community Social Services
Cass Community Social Services is a Detroit-based agency dedicated to providing food (meals, community garden), jobs (Green Industries), health services (free medical clinics), and housing (shelters, warming centers, & tiny homes). They truly are living their motto of “Fighting Poverty. Creating Opportunity. Building Community.”
Liberia Sister Church, Bethlehem Temple
Our church provides assistance with food supplies, agriculture programs, pastor’s salary support, and scholarships for school children. The John Dean Town (JDT) Health project of Liberia provides clean water wells, traditional birth attendant training, latrines, health education, and immunizations for 18 villages. Members of our church have done mission trips to Liberia twice to serve the people of of our sister church.
Covenant Missionary - Princess Jusu
We are proud to sponsor Princess Jusu, a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of the UMC serving in Monrovia, Liberia serving as an instructor at the UMW's Leadership Training Center. Princess' ministry includes teaching skills which entail tailoring, tie-dying, knitting, and home economics for women and girls who, for various reasons, have dropped out of school. Princess also assists with the village health outreach program for women.
God's Country Cooperative Parish Mission Trip
The God’s Country Cooperative Parish is made up of seven churches located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. These churches work together to accomplish great things in this area of isolation and poverty. Members of our church do a mission trip to GCCP one week of every summer.
Cass Community Social Services
Cass Community Social Services is a Detroit-based agency dedicated to providing food (meals, community garden), jobs (Green Industries), health services (free medical clinics), and housing (shelters, warming centers, & tiny homes). They truly are living their motto of “Fighting Poverty. Creating Opportunity. Building Community. Watch our video to learn more about Cass!
Efforts Against Human Trafficking
Sparrow Freedom Project (SFP) was founded by Anita Hoepner and is based out of South Lyon, Michigan. SFP provides assistance and support to survivors of human trafficking, including food, clothing, emergency housing rental costs, transportation, and other basic needs.
Kingdom Home was founded by Detroit Tiger Matthew Boyd and his wife, Ashley Boyd. Kingdom Home provides a safe place to live for children at risk of entering the sex trade in Uganda. Kingdom Home currently has 4 homes, one for boys and three for girls.
Samaritan Counseling Center
Samaritan Counseling Center has counseling offices all over southeast Michigan. Individuals meet with a counselor one on one to talk about issues related to mental health. The couples/families counseling helps with a wider range of issues, such as addiction recovery, testing for children of behavior/learning disabilities or difficulties, sexual abuse counseling, grief counseling, transgender counseling, and pre-marital assessment and counseling.
Many Other Opportunities!
Blessings in a Backpack​
Good Samaritan Fund
Angel Tree & Christmas Baskets
Individual Youth & Adult Mission Trips
Pillowcases for Mott Children's Hospital
Versiti Blood Drives
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Talent Auction
United Methodist Committee on Relief​ (UMCOR)
United Methodist Retirement Communities​