Care Team
The Care Team provides ongoing care for the sick and homebound within the congregation. Each team member is assigned several persons to whom they send cards, make telephone calls and occasional home or hospital visits. They share information with the pastor to coordinate care. They also deliver prayer shawls or other gifts as appropriate. The Care Team meets quarterly on a weekday.
Church Council
The Church Council oversees the entire program and administrative processes of the congregation to empower all leaders and enhance the effectiveness of all ministries. Members of the council envision new ministries, discuss and evaluate plans, coordinate schedules, provide wisdom and prayer support for one another, set policy, review church membership, approve the church budget, and fill vacancies in leadership between charge conferences. Church Council meets the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Education Team
The Education Team oversees the educational ministry of the church for all ages to help persons grow in faith and discipleship. Team members recruit and train Sunday School teachers and youth group leaders, secure curriculum and supplies for Sunday School and Children’s Church, present Bibles to children of the congregation, plan mid-week events for families, and set policy for educational ministries. The Education Team also advertises conference camping opportunities and provides scholarships. The Education Team meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Endowment Team
The Endowment Team manages the church’s endowment funds to provide stable, long-term income for the church. Team members track fund balances and make recommendations regarding the disbursement of interest in consultation with the Finance Team.
Finance Team
The Finance Team manages the financial resources of the congregation to support the ministries of the church. Members of the team compile the annual budget, administer church funds, oversee the work of the treasurer and financial secretary, coordinate persons to count the offering, provide for an annual audit, and advise church council regarding plans to raise sufficient funds to meet the budget. The Finance Team meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Generosity TeamThe Generosity Team (formerly the Stewardship Team) strives to further the work of God through our church by identifying and recognizing all of our resources and talents; encouraging and educating the congregation on their responsibility to give of themselves; and ensuring that those resources are fully utilized by the committees, projects, and other endeavors of the church. Team members plan the autumn stewardship campaign and keep the theme of stewardship in front of the congregation throughout the year through presentations, newsletter articles and other means. The Generosity Team meets 6-8 times per year.
Historical Memories Team
The Historical Memories team gathers historical materials including photographs to preserve the history of the church. The team exhibits artifacts in the display case and creates albums with the photographs.
Lay Leadership Team
The Lay Leadership Team nominates persons for congregational leadership to strengthen and empower the ministries of the church. Team members meet several times prior to charge conference to determine vacancies, discern spiritual gifts within the congregation, contact nominees, and prepare a slate of leaders for charge conference. Team members serve in rotating three year classes. The Lay Leadership Team meets 3-4 times per year, usually in the summer and fall.
Media Ministry Team
The Media Ministry Team supports all ministries of the congregation with multi-media and technology to help persons know and love Jesus Christ. Members of the team coordinate persons to operate the sound board and media display for worship services. They also oversee church phone systems, computers, church management software, media licenses, and church website. The Media Ministry Team meets the 2nd Monday of each month.
Memorial Team
The Memorial Team receives gifts made in memory of members and friends to provide a permanent witness to the lives and faith of those being honored and to undergird the ministries of the church. Team members record and acknowledge gifts, and determine appropriate use of gifts in consultation with the donors.
Mission and Outreach Team
The Mission Team provides opportunities for members of the congregation to live out Christ’s mandate to serve persons in need. Team members plan and carry out mission trips, choose and publicize monthly mission projects, and oversee the disbursement of mission-related funds. They also plan the Talent Auction that raises money for mission projects. The Mission Team meets the 1st Thursday of each month.
Staff-Parish Relations Team
The Staff-Parish Relations Team (SPRT) oversees the work of the staff of the church, interpreting staff needs and responsibilities to the congregation and interpreting the congregation’s needs to the staff. The SPRT assists the staff in assessing their gifts and setting priorities for leadership and service. Team members meet quarterly with staff members, make recommendations for staff compensation to the church council, create a profile of the congregation to help determine staffing needs, and help mediate conflict between staff and congregation. SPRT members are elected in rotating three-year classes. The Staff-Parish Relations Team meets the 4th Thursday of each month.
Trustee Team
The Trustees manage and maintain all church property and grounds in order to support the various ministries of the congregation. Team members make or contract repairs, choose and review insurance policies, set policy for use of the church building by outside groups, negotiate leases with tenants, maintain official corporate records, and set work days for upkeep of building and grounds. As a sub-group of the Trustees, the Memorial Garden Team coordinates upkeep of the Memorial Garden to provide a place of beauty and peace for members of the congregation and guests. Members of the team plan garden layout, plant annuals, weed and fertilize plants, and repair equipment and brickwork as needed. Team members are elected in rotating three-year classes. The Trustee Team meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Worship Design Team
The Worship Design Team works with the lead pastor to create worship services that glorify God and help worshipers grow in grace and faith. Team members help the lead pastor plan music, media, visuals, and rituals for all of the church's worship services. They also coordinate worship leaders including liturgists, ushers, communion servers and acolytes. The Worship Design Team conducts research to determine whether or not the style of worship services meets the present and emerging needs of the congregation.